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Are your overweight dog are at risk?

Perhaps you'd like to ignore the situation, but if your dog is fat, you are cheating it out of the chance to live the best possible life. Overweight dogs are at increased risk of developing painful conditions like arthritis and life-threatening ones like cardiovascular disease or diabetes. They need to go on a dog diet.

It's up to you!

Your dog is at your mercy when if comes to meal and snack time, and the only discipline being exercised in doggie's diet is yours. If you have a hard time turning away from those pleading eyes (and what dog owner doesn't?) perhaps realizing that you are doing your pet much more harm than good with each unnecessary bite will help you. Statistics show that a recent pet population survey in the USA showed that 40 percent of the pets are overweight.

Have your dog check by vet

If your dog is overweight then it is eating more calories than necessary. Period! If your dog is overweight and is otherwise healthy then it is eating way too much. Certainly have your pet examined by your Vet to check for heart, thyroid or other metabolic disorders to rule out a possible medical cause. Be honest with your vet about how much or how little exercise your dog gets, and how often, as well as how much you feed, what and when you feed, and how often you treat.

Feed your dog with meat

First take a good hard look at the food you are feeding. The FIRST ingredients present in the bag of food should be MEAT or meat products, NOT grains like corn.

Record Your Dog Weight

Before you and Buster start your weight loss journey, get an accurate record of his weight. Then, reduce his total daily ration by one third. That includes his total daily intake like treats and snacks. At the end of two weeks, weigh him again. In the meantime, if he begs – do NOT give in.

If Buster has lost weight at the end of the two week dog diet, then stick to this schedule. If he hasn't lost any weight, reduce his intake by another one third and also find out if someone else in the house is treating Buster.

Give your dog more on walks or playing rather than just eating

There are far better ways for you to let your dog experience your love than with too much food. Your pet will almost certainly enjoy spending more time on walks or playing games with you than he or she will when eating alone. There are plenty or nutritious foods which have loads of doggie palate appeal out there, so you should never feel like Buster is missing something by not dining at the family table.

Sharda Baker has published several dog ebook and audios, including the internet best selling "Complete Guide to Your Dog's Nutrition".

Visit the link below now for Sharda's Special Free Dog Food Report.

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